SEO Services and Technology are Rapidly Evolving. Are You Keeping Up?

SEO is always evolving and that means your online presence must keep evolving too. We’ve seen a lot of changes throughout our 20+ years in the industry, so we realize the importance of customizable SEO services. Flash Global is a Google Premier Partner, so you can rest assured that we have the knowledge and expertise to get your website found by the audience you’re trying to reach.

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–Buddy B.

You Need SEO

You Need SEO

There are several factors that impact your search engine rankings from keywords to backlinks and a strong local presence and you might be wondering where to focus your attention.


Before we start any work, we’ll take the time to get to know you and your business. Learning more about your audience, business model and goals will allow us to develop a completely customized strategy. From there, we’ll explain how the SEO impacts where your site is found in search results and what we can do to improve your rankings. Taking into account your specified goals and budget, we’ll target the most relevant keywords, create quality content your audience will love and build natural links from reputable sources.

Frequently Asked SEO Questions

Since 2001, we’ve seen SEO landscape transform from black hat practices of keyword stuffing and buying backlinks to an emphasis on user experience and content quality. With a significant change in the industry, you probably have questions and concerns about your current tactics – and the team at Flash Global Media is here to help.

Here are a few of the common questions customers ask us regarding their SEO strategy:

How do I get on page one of Google for a specific keyword?

There’s no magical formula to ranking on the first page but Google heavily favors websites with quality content developed around relevant keywords. Simply placing a keyword as many times as possible within your content will hurt your rankings.

My ranking has dropped in recent months. What happened?

Rankings change all the time but if you’ve seen a significant drop, it could be due to increased competition under specific terms, Google penalties, a poor mobile user experience, bad backlinks or outdated or spammy content.

I’m ranking well, so why am I not getting business frommy site?

This could be due to complicated navigation on your site. If potential customers get to your site but don’t know what to do next, they’re likely to leave and head back to the search results page to find an alternative.

How long does it take to start seeing results with SEO?

There’s no set timetable for when you’ll start to see rankings improve. Some businesses see progress within a few months, while others need a year or more to recover from a Google penalty or clean up their contact and backlinks.

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What’s the Next Step?

Is now the time to evaluate your current SEO strategy? Let’s chat! We look forward to getting to know your business inside and out to identify actionable opportunities for growth. In the meantime, check out some of our blog content about SEO and how Google’s algorithms might be impacting your website’s rankings

Flash Global Media is a digital marketing/strategic SEO solutions company based in Orange County, California. We’ve helped over 4,000 businesses grown through goal-driven solutions in search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, design, website development and more.